Counting Game 1: Number, 2017, Mixed media (polystyrene foam, wooden chair), Dimensions Variable
How did we count objects before defining the concept of numbers? Nowadays, we can easily see products that are defined by how many people can use them. However, numbers are meaningless when we go back to nature.
In nature, there is no absolute meaning to a number. It is always changeable. If there is a large stone, it can be used for many different purposes by various people. Therefore, this work can make the audience question the real meaning of numbers in our society.
In nature, there is no absolute meaning to a number. It is always changeable. If there is a large stone, it can be used for many different purposes by various people. Therefore, this work can make the audience question the real meaning of numbers in our society.

Counting Game 2: Count, 2017, Dimensions Variable, Mixed media(Video installation, stainless steel table)
People in our current society seem to consider too many different types of measurement. We can easily see this fascination with measurement in cooking. There are many measurement tools for cooking. If no specific tools had been invented, would we not be able to cook well? People have begun to rely on measurement in many aspects of their lives unconsciously. This project questioned itself by showing metaphorical meanings by getting rid of colors from ingredients on a mixed media sculpture installation to question the issue of over-reliance on measurement in our lives. This video installation would give viewers the humorous idea and possibility of how something might taste without relying on a recipe or measurement.

Counting Game 3: Unit, 2017, Mixed media (lettering on glass), Dimensions Variable
People often say "Let’s get a cup of coffee" to their friends, colleagues, or even acquaintances. This saying does not necessarily mean that they are actually going to have a cup of coffee. In this context, having a cup of coffee might just mean, "Let’s spend some time together." Therefore, the concept of a cup would be different for different individuals in various situations. This project is inspired by finding the subjective point of view toward measurement units and asking people to refine the meaning of "a cup."